Chad has a mixed population of Muslims, Animists and Christians. God sent Christ to bring blessing, grace, salvation and the revelation of God’s love for all peoples. It would be quite wrong to exclude any community from the opportunity to respond to the grace of God. Ignorance of the Good News helps no one. It is our privilege to make it known to all who want to hear and to pray for those that don’t.
Why Jesus?
God in His mercy has sent many prophets who have said “this is the way”. Jesus Christ alone announced “I am the way”.Christ is a title. It means the one that God anointed to rule. Even in Arabic al-Masiih comes from the verb مسح “to anoint”. He is the one God sent to be the…
Unreached Peoples
Chad has well over 100 distinct ethnic groups as well as many sub-groups. Researchers differ as to the precise number. Most of those in the northern two-thirds of the country have no known Christians.The main ethnic groups which we relate to are the Maba, the Masalit, and the Arabs. Follow the links for information on…
Urban Mission
The traditional picture of mission might be idyllic African villages, but in fact these days people live in towns and cities. Populations gathering into centres. They are connected to the wider world through the phones in their pocket and the TV in their home. The rising generation is restless, looking for more, eager to learn…
Learning Centre, Abeche
The Learning Centre offers a good option to be involved in direct ministry to Muslims for both long term workers and short termers (“Trekkers”). It provides an opportunity to serve the community, to form relationships and then to branch out into the town.In addition to the student library, we currently run an English programme, where…