God in His mercy has sent many prophets who have said “this is the way”. Jesus Christ alone announced “I am the way”.
Christ is a title. It means the one that God anointed to rule. Even in Arabic al-Masiih comes from the verb مسح “to anoint”. He is the one God sent to be the saviour and ruler of all believers for all time, a role given to no other prophet.
Many people say we must follow the last prophet. Who is the last one? Jesus is alive. His work has begun but it has not finished.
Jesus Christ has many titles. John the Baptist (Nabi Yahya) said Jesus is the “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1v29). The prophets knew the importance of sacrifice. God provided the ultimate sacrifice for all nations.
God created Adam perfect but Adam was deceived by Satan and fell. Like Adam, we are easily deceived. Like Adam we do wrong. Like Adam, we die. God is merciful and sent a Second Adam, a man with no human father, a man from whom Satan fled, a man who never sinned. We inherit weakness from Adam. By joining with Christ through faith, we receive strength. Adam our father is dead, he cannot help us. The second Adam lives to help those who trust him. (1 Cor 15v45-49)
Jesus Christ said these words “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14v27)
We do not say “Peace be upon him”. We say “May his peace be upon us”.

Why Jesus?